Comedy Consulting

Looking for comedy consulting? Need help with a sitcom, comedy film, or your stand up? Here you can consult the comedy legend, Tim Ferguson, in for a consultation.

Writing a sitcom or comedy movie? Tim Ferguson can tell you from personal experience how to be successful.

“I’m passionate about comedy and love working with people to improve their comic writing and performance. Believe it or not, there are ancient principles underpinning all comedy. They aren’t rules or formulae. They are hidden tools and frameworks that work. Knowing these will help you broaden your skills and make your comedy more original and reliable. No more nerves or stage-fright! I guarantee you will gain some exciting new tools and techniques to improve your comedy.”   [Tim Ferguson]

Comedy Coach: Tim Ferguson

Tim Ferguson is a comedy icon here in Australia and in the UK. He is a member of the wildly popular Aussie comedy group the Doug Anthony Allstars (DAAS). Tim is an award-winning standup, as well a teacher of comedy and comedy writing, with decades of experience behind him. He’s also a movie writer and director.

Comedy consulting packages


A package for $1250 which includes TV/feature screenplay reading, analysis, and coaching.

  1. Tim reads your script
  2. Writes brief notes for revisions and future development
  3. Tim gives you a two hour script development session, focusing on your characters, story structure, themes and useful comedy screenwriting principles


This entire package is $600 which includes pitching document reading, analysis, and coaching.

  1. Tim reads your pitching documents (for example, short pitching bible, film/episode treatment, logline, outline)
  2. Writes brief notes for revisions and future development
  3. Tim gives you a 90 minute document development session


$400  package for assessing your Stand-up comedy and giving you tips, tools and techniques for expanding and improving.

  1.  You send a link to one of your performances.
  2.  Tim writes notes with tips and techniques that will help you expand and improve your material.
  3.  Face to face session covering your persona, material and presentation.

Tim Ferguson comedy screenwriting consulting enquiry form:

Here you can book Tim Ferguson in for a consultation: